Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day #2.5

So far this year, we have had quite a few 'snow storms' in New Jersey.  Of course, they are nothing compared to the ones of my Wisconsin childhood, but are still worth noting, because the life-altering effect they have on the fair residents of the Garden State.

To start out with, the numbers simply freak people out.  They hear "9-12 inches of snow expected to HIT the area", and they're off!  It doesn't matter if the accumulation will occur in 5 hours or 5 days...frantic shoppers rush to stock up on food, water and shovels.  In all fairness, in an urban area such as ours, there really aren't many places to put all of the snow, so it really does mess up the roads.  And, unlike 'normal' winters here, the snow hasn't been melting.  Back home, with 5 lane highways belting the city and county roads in the middle of nowhere, the plows could launch the snow 100 feet, and it would just end up in a corn field or ravine.  Here, the same snow is often hitting someone's front door!

I've always complained about how ugly NJ winters are...a never-ending cycle of snow, slush, mud (repeat):  This year has been a beautiful exception.  We've been able to ice skate on our pond...a first for us here; do a ton of sledding on our ever-growing snow pile; and observe cardinals, blue jays, chickadees, titmice, doves, woodpeckers, geese (much to our dismay...they didn't leave our yard this year) and even turkeys feast at our fully stocked bird feeders.

The view from my 'island'
I've also complained about the snow days KILLING my work-from-home productivity:  This year I'm seeing a change in that, as well.  While I spent the night before each storm hoping and praying that it doesn't affect the kids' school schedules, the reality is that while they've ended up with 2 full snow days and 2 delays between the 2 of them, it really hasn't been as big of a deal as I've feared.  Today, for instance, I've been working on my laptop on my own private island...the kitchen island, that is...while the twinkies have been playing all around me WITHOUT much interruption!  Nils set up a mini version of his school in the basement, so that Sylvi could enjoy the play centers he experiences every day...she was so excited!  Sylvi has been coloring up a storm.  Nils has build even more amazing Lego creations.  They even had their own, SELF-IMPOSED rest time after lunch!  AND, I was able to get work done!

I do have to travel for work tomorrow, and they're saying there is more snow in the forecast.  So, once again, I will be hoping and praying it doesn't affect the kids' school schedules.  If it does, then Daddy may be lucky enough to have a repeat of the same great day I had today....Snow Day #2.5!

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